Boat Accident Lawyer In The USA In 2025 + Update

Boat Accident Lawyer In The USA

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There is no doubt that the number of boat accidents in the USA is on the rise. In fact, statistics show that the number of boat accidents has increased by 30% in the last 5 years. This is a worrying trend, especially given the fact that boats are becoming increasingly popular as a means of recreation and travel. 

If you or someone you know has been involved in a boat accident, then you may be wondering what your legal options are. A boat accident lawyer can help you understand your rights and options, as well as represent you in court if necessary. 

Let's start with a boat accident lawyer in the USA and how a lawyer can help you.

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Why do we need Boat Lawyers?

There are bound to be boating accidents in a state as beautiful as California, with its many lakes, islands, and shores. Most accidents on boats happen with personal watercraft. On a commercial boat like a ferry boat or cruise ship, accidents can occur from time to time.

Wilshire Law Firm is the best law firm in Los Angeles for people who have been hurt in a boat accident and want lawyers who will fight for them and know what they are doing. We have a team of experienced boating accident lawyers who have helped injured people get hundreds of millions of dollars.

A Los Angeles boating accident lawyer from our law firm can deal with the insurance companies and insurance agents on your behalf so you can focus on getting better. In the meantime, your injury attorney will work hard to bring you the most money for your seafaring accident case.

Our lawyers have reached high settlements with insurance companies, sometimes up to the policies' limits. Wilshire Law Firm's boat accident lawyers will fight hard for your privileges and assist you in getting the best results possible. We will be with you all steps and give your injury case the attention and care it needs.

What are the main reasons for boating accidents?

According to the U.S. Coast Guard, these are the top 10 most common reasons why boats crash:
  • Operator not paying attention: The boater needs to stay alert and keep an eye on where and how fast the boat is going. But even the most experienced captain makes mistakes from time to time. Unsafe or unpredictable weather patterns and unseen objects in the water, like icebergs or drifting debris, can make it more likely for a boat accident to happen. All boaters must stay as aware as possible to stay away from these dangers.
  • Improper lookout: Large boats, sailboats, and yachts often have cameras on top of the mast to monitor what's happening around the ship. These cameras must be looked after and watched to avoid a boat collision or grounding.
  • Boaters without much experience: Anyone who drives a boat should know how to do it right. If someone who has never been boating before does not follow the rules, something terrible could happen.
  • Excessive speed: Some of the most severe boating accidents happen when the boat goes too fast. Like in a car, speed is essential to boating safety, especially if you want to avoid hitting other ships or running aground.
  • Impaired operation: A lot of people drink while boating. But, like driving a car, you should always have a captain or boat driver in charge. People die in boating accidents mainly because they are drunk or on drugs. You are honestly intoxicated if your BAC is.08% or higher while boating in California. (Driving a boat while intoxicated)
  • Equipment failure: Avoid tool breakdown by conducting regular maintenance inspections. This helps make sure the safest operation is possible. Many sailors say that when you're still at the docks is when real boating happens. Bad things can happen when you're at sea, and your checklist isn't done. Make sure to carefully follow your list to get back to the docks after each sailing trip.
  • Breaking the rules of navigation: There are no laws in international waters," you may have heard. Well, there are a lot of restrictions on the water in most places. If sailors and people who like boats don't follow these rules, they could end up in a boat accident that leaves them severely hurt.
  • Dangerous waters: Most experienced captains can tell what the water will be like at any time of day or night using modern tools and their keen sense of nature. But the water can change in minutes, and no captain is perfect. You can't always avoid dangerous waters, but you can always take the proper safety steps to prepare for the worst.
  • Weather: Modern boating tools and technology have predicted how the weather will change. However, numerous accidents primarily happen due to overly zealous boaters completely ignoring weather forecasts.
  • Forceful waves or wakes: Big waves and wakes from other boats can be dangerous, especially if they come out of nowhere. Commercial fishing boats that go out into the open ocean often have to deal with big waves, and smaller boats must always watch out for the wakes of barges and other big ships.
Normal Boat Accident Injuries

People who get hurt while doing water sports risk getting hurt very badly. The most likely places to get injured in a boating accident are the head, legs, and arms.

Boat accidents can cause severe injuries like:
  • Brain injury from trauma
  • Head injury
  • Damage to the spine
  • Paraplegia
  • Quadriplegia
  • Broken bones Coma
Our Los Angeles boating accident lawyers have dealt with cases involving the most severe injuries, so you can tally on us to assist you with your injury claim.

What is the Initial Step in the Event of a Boating Accident?

A Los Angeles boating accident lawyer says to do the following right away after an accident:
  • Get yourself and others who need medical help. Use any first-aid kits you can find and wait for the Coast Guard or someone else who can help.
  • If you don't have to, don't jump overboard to help someone else. Ensure you have a safe method to get back to your boat.
  • Follow federal rules and report the boating accident. A boating accident report could help you in a personal injury case in the future.
  • Don't say you're at fault or guilty, or you could be sued or have your injury claim turned down.
  • Find out as much as feasible about the boat accident, such as photos, witness statements, insurance company names, and contact information. Write down where the accident happened, who was hurt, and any property damage.

This year has seen an unprecedented number of boat accidents in the USA, and many more are expected in the coming year. If you or a loved one have been involved in a boat accident, it is important to seek legal counsel as soon as possible. The lawyers have extensive experience in handling boat accident cases and have a proven track record of success. We will fight hard for your rights and ensure that you receive the best

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